IMPORTANT: The United States Marshals Service is responsible for costs associated with the transportation of fact witnesses and defendants. These costs are not reimbursable through the CJA. Please see The Public Defender's Handbook for more information.
Reimbursable Travel
Travel expenses reasonably incurred in providing representation under the Criminal Justice Act (CJA) may be claimed on the CJA voucher but must be itemized and documented with appropriate receipts.
An attorney or expert traveling as part of their representation under the CJA is expected to exercise the same care in incurring expenses that a prudent person would exercise if traveling on personal business. Only expenses actually incurred and essential to and in connection with representation under the CJA will be reimbursed. When determining whether an expense is reasonable, one should consult the Judiciary Staff Travel Regulations.
When the travel period is less than 12 hours, meals will not be reimbursed. Only travel expenses such as mileage, parking, and tolls will be reimbursed. Mileage will be reimbursed at the government mileage rate.
When the travel period is greater than 24 hours or lodging is required, prior authorization is required.
Prior Authorization to Travel
Prior to overnight travel, approval is required. The CJA attorney shall submit a Travel AUTH through eVoucher. If the Travel AUTH is approved, the CJA attorney will be able to obtain government travel rates, including lodging rates.
During the authorized overnight travel, reimbursement will be made for actual subsistence expenses, including charges for up to three meals per day.
Non-Reimbursable Expenses
The cost of travel for spouses, other family members, and friends is not allowed. Additionally, the following are not reimbursable: snacks, alcoholic beverages, entertainment, travel insurance, parking fines or fees for traffic violations, personal automobile expenses, expenses incurred in traveling by indirect routes for personal reasons, use of taxis to obtain meals, and expenses submitted without receipts. If a traveler lengthens a trip or incurs any cost for personal reasons or performs work that is not related to the purpose of the official travel, the increase cost caused by such action is not reimbursable.
Travel Time is Compensable
In addition to the reimbursement of actual expenses, an attorney or expert may be compensated for actual time spent traveling to and from a destination. This is submitted under “Travel Time” on the CJA voucher.