Withdrawal and/or Termination of Representation
An attorney may withdraw from a case in which he or she has appeared only as follows:
- By Notice of Withdrawal. A party’s attorney may withdraw from a case by filing and serving a notice of withdrawal, effective upon filing, if:
- multiple attorneys have appeared on behalf of the party; and
- at least one of those attorneys will still be the party’s counsel of record after the attorney seeking to withdraw does so.
- By Notice of Withdrawal and Substitution. A party’s attorney may withdraw from a case by filing and serving a notice of withdrawal and substitution, effective upon filing, if the notice includes:
- the withdrawal and substitution will not delay the trial or other progress of the case; and
- the notice is filed and served at least 90 days before trial.
- By Motion. An attorney who seeks to withdraw other than under LR 83.4(a) or (b) must move to withdraw and must show good cause. The attorney must notify his or her client of the motion.